Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cyber Bullying

October 9th 2008
Period 4

Cyber Bullying isnt a good thing to do.
Fact, its stupid.
I dont know why anyone would do it.
Ive been accused of cyber bullying people on the internet before, but it really wasnt me.
Really, my friend found out my password and started messaging random people, sending them messages to scare them, or trick them and things like that.
Unfortunantly, some of those people went to my school.
And it was really weird to see the messages there the next time i got on.
The people confronted me at school, and i really didnt know what they were talking about.
When i foud out the truth, i wouldve told them, but in any other case, i didnt think they'd believe me. they thought i was crazy and weird anyways.
so there really was no point.
but still, cyber bullying is bad. 
i feel terrible for the things that were in those messages.
But i didnt get into too much trouble, and none with the school.
And my friend apologized for getting me in trouble.
Cyber Bullying is BAD!! SO DONT DO IT!!


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